Prom Girl – Shravani

Few pictures of the beautiful Shravani on her prom day. Cant go wrong when the evening sun creates the perfect ambience and Β a lovely girl shining even brighter. Tried a different kind of edit with an emphasis on the blacks and shadows and I think it worked well for these pictures.


Autumn Senior Pictures – Miles to go

So many people are advising me against uploading too many pictures in facebook. So thinking of updating the blog with more shots and insider info πŸ™‚ Lovely fall weather here in NH ! Lovely girl . I think this is my favorite set of senior portraits so far ! Red really works for fall , or should I say it works for all seasons.If you get the eyes and hair perfect you have half of it done for pictures.So glad we picked red.The shots on the yellow line fits perfectly for their ongoing journey.Every senior deserves a pretty pic πŸ™‚

Canon 5d3 and my magic lensΒ and some PS pixie dust πŸ˜‰

Rainy saturday , editing away and listening to a good find Papon.
